Saturday, February 16, 2008

He's Working on It

Shit shit shit shit shit shit.

Hubster is still working on something or other. I'm sorry. Now I'm embarrassed about the whole thing. So much for my grand opening.

He should be done shortly. Please hang in there. I don't know what else to say.

He's not getting any for the next year.

Thank you for the lovely comments, everyone. You've made me all feel much better. :)


KTMay said...

The anticipation just makes it all the sweeter! We're hangin' for the duration!

hepkitten said...

Oh, yeah. I'll be waiting and refreshing, no problem!

Anonymous said...

Hi pam
Ditto to the above, I'm still here. Sheryl x

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for you Pam. This is just what you didn't need. I hope your hubby manages to sort out hte technical problems soon. i've been blog surfing for the last 45 mins waiting for the shop to open. caught up with lots of blogs I've not read in ages.

Meghann said...

OH, no! I've been out all day and I just got home and thought "I have to go check it out!". I'll be on watching and waiting:)

Ruth said...

That'll fix him. Pun not intended.

Sandy Ziegler said...

Hey Pam! We're your friends and we'll be waiting for you no matter how long it takes. So, please don't be embarassed.